Topic outline

  • Welcome to the Module

    "Management of Celiac Disease for Patients"

    Here you find an overview of the module"Management of Celiac Disease for Patients", its structure and units, learning aims and how to best follow this module.

    • Introduction

      While about 99% of the population can eat gluten without any problem, there is about 1% of people that suffers from celiac disease. It is an auto-immune mediated disease in which the body reacts against own body tissue, triggered by the ingestion of gluten together with other environmental factors. Because the symptoms can be very unspecific and may occur throughout the whole body, celiac disease is also called a "clinical chameleon" and is sometimes difficult to diagnose. The only treatment is a strict and lifelong gluten-free diet. It is very effective, but it can be quite a challenge for some patients, especially in certain life stages.

      You may have accessed this e-learning because you have been diagnosed by celiac disease yourself or because your child, a close relative, friend or colleague told you about her or his celiac condition. The following units of this e-module aim at giving you the most important information on celiac disease, including its diagnosis, treatment and impacts on daily life. The better one knows about the disease, the easier it will become to keep the gluten-free diet and to accept it. Moreover, it is very important not to only rely on healthcare professionals, but to be actively involved when it comes to the prevention of long-term health consequences and monitoring of celiac disease. Always keep in mind: as long as you keep the gluten-free diet, you can live a healthy life!

      This video gives you a first overview of the topics that will be covered in more detail in the following units: 

      Click here to watch the video

      • Structure, Content and Learning Aims

        This module contains four separate units which can be worked through in your preferred order. For the best understanding of the topic, we recommend to follow the units in the proposed sequence.

        IconU1                     Unit2        


        Unit3                        Unit4    

        Please click here to see an overview of the whole module

        • How to Best Follow this Module

          For your own coordination and scheduling:
          • To go through this entire module which contains four units, you will need about 4 to 6 hours.
          • Of course you don't have to go through the whole course at once, but you can divide it in as many session as you wish.
          • You can enter a lesson as many times as you'd like to.
          • Every unit consists of an overview, a self-assessment test and several lessons.
          • For the most important topics, there will be additional practice lessons that help you deepening your understanding.
          • During the course of this module, you will benefit from a number of learning tools in the lessons, including many graphics, videos and interactive elements.

          Technical settings:
          • You can enlarge or shrink the font sizes and graphics according to your needs by changing the zoom factors (either in the settings of your browser, by using the scroll whell of your mouse or the zoom function of your touchpad). You may enlarge graphics also by clicking on them.
          • By clicking on links (underlined and in green fonts) you my either navigate to other parts of the e-learning, downloads of pdf-files with supplementary information e.g. to print, or you will be forwarded to other websites outside the ENeA e-learning platform for supplementary information (all sites will open in a new tab).
          • Please note that using browsers which are not updated may lead to problems in navigating this website. If you experience any problems, please check if your browser version is up to date.
          • About Interreg Central Europe and Focus IN CD

            Interreg Central Europe is a cohesion policy programme of the European Union (EU) and part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). With a total funding budget of 246 million €, it encourages and supports cooperation beyond borders and between public and private organisations. Interreg CE projects fall into four different thematic priorities, comprising Innovation, Low Carbon, Culture & Environment, and Transport. 

            The project "Focus IN CD - Innovative patient centered health care services - advantages of establishing a close CE network in celiac disease patient health care", No. CE111, belongs to the priority Innovation. With a funding of nearly 1.9 Mio € it aims to substantially improve and harmonize the care of people with celiac disease in Central Europe. Twelve partners from Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia are actively involved in this outstanding initiative.

            One of the main aspects of this project is the development of e-tools, particularly e-learning programmes for celiac patients but also for health care professionals in order to increase the knowledge about this chronic food intolerance. Learn more about Focus in CD and visit the project's website
